DayDream Kreative
DayDream Kreative Studios
35 E. Lancaster Avenue, Ardmore
Phone Number: 484-341-0551
Hours:By Appointment
DayDream Kreative Studios is a space to facilitate all types of creative endeavors and events. Available for use by booking online or via phone-call, the studio can be rented for private events, working space, vending, and shows. The founder, Nahjee, aims for this space to be a “blank canvas” that can be arranged to support many different businesses, professionals, or even just hobbies. From design, photography, editing, yoga, recording, and live music, DayDream Kreative is capable of making the space work for you. The goal is to form a community around creativity and local people’s passions. Nahjee is from South Ardmore and knew DayDream would be a valuable asset to Ardmore. Every Sunday a vendor market is held in the space featuring local artisans and creators. Stay up to date on all other events, such as book signings and live shows, on DayDream Kreative’s social media.